
FaMiGrowth (Families, Migration and Long-run Economic Growth in Europe) funded by French National Research Agency (ANR, AAPG 2023) for the years 2024-2029. It aims at understanding and quantifying the contribution of family migration to the process of economic growth and to the take-off of Western Europe. To reach this objective, our team is developing the European Historical Family Database, which merges some of the most important crowdsourced Genealogical Databases and European nominative censuses. 

Research Team: Thomas Baudin (PI), Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa (co-PI), Simone Moriconi (co-PI), Elena Cottini, Yannick Dupraz, Paula Gobbi, Jakob Madsen, Adrien Montalbo, Mariya Sakharova, Robert Stelter, Marco Tabellini, Riccardo Turati.

MALYNES (Migration And Labor supplY wheN culturE matterS) funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR, AAPG 2018) for 2019-2023. Its objective is to propose an encompassing framework suited to predict the future effects of migration on labor supply in the European Union by employing complementary econometric tools used in research on the political economy of migration policy, the economics of culture, and the economics of the household and family formation

Research Team: Simone Moriconi (PI), Thomas Baudin, Ylenia Brilli, Giovanni Peri, Claudia Senik, Robert Stelter, Riccardo Turati.

HIU – HFU Dataset: (History of Italian Universities and History of French Universities) is a project coordinated by S. Moriconi. The objective of this project is to develop and exploit to research purposes unique registers that map and date the establishment of higher education institutions in Italy and France. Existing sources (e.g.WHED Unesco), have information at the university level that go back to the post-WWII period. The joint HIU-HFU dataset has the advantage of delivering information at the faculty (field of study) level and providing detailed historical information that go back to the XXII Century, in countries characterized by a very long history and tradition of university education. This dataset is used to analyse the multi-fold economic returns associated with the provision of higher education services.

Research Team: Elena Cottini, Paolo Ghinetti, Simone Moriconi, Mikael Pasternak.

Education Expansion, Skills and Labour Market Success, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for 2019-2023. The aim of the project is to analyze how the process of creation of skills and competences, determines the individual returns from higher education in terms of wages and employment probabilities using data from the History of Italian University, and Italian samples of the European Labor Force Survey and the Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC).

Research Team: Michele Pellizzari (PI), Federica Braccioli, Paolo Ghinetti, Simone Moriconi, Costanza Naguib.